New England Surgical Society
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Report of the Secretary

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The 104th Meeting of the New England Surgical Society took place September 29 – October 1, 2023. The meeting attracted 140 members (including 2 Candidate members), 19 guest physicians, and 55 non-member residents, and was enhanced by the presence of 46 accompanying guests of the Society.

The academic program was thoughtfully prepared by the Program Committee under the direction of Dr. Baird Mallory. Ninety-eight abstracts had been submitted; 21 were presented in the traditional format . Ten additional papers were presented as three-minute presentations with directed discussion, and the Paper of the Year was presented. There were also an information talk on “AI and Surgery: The Progress, the Promise, and the Perils”; an outstanding panel on “The Surgical Chairs Job in Modern Medicine”; a stimulating session on “Managing Surgical Complications: Might Endoscopy Save the Day?”; and a “Posters of Distinction” session during which the presenters vied for the Best Poster Award. Forty-two posters were reviewed.

The Meeting’s Samuel Jason Mixter Lecture by Dr. Timothy J. Eberlein, was titled, “The Changing Paradigm of Surgical Education,” and Dr. Giles F. Whalen delivered his Presidential Address, titled “New England Surgical Society: Long May It Prosper” The Nathan Smith Distinguished Service Award was conferred to Dr. David McAneny.

The Society’s Executive Committee continues to meet three times a year, in the Fall during the Annual Meeting, and in January and May via videoconference. The Committee carries out the business of the Society, coordinating the acceptance of new members, overseeing the finances, and working with the Program Committee. As of this writing, there are 417 Active, 338 Senior, 102 Associate, 1 Affiliate, and 90 Candidate Members, which includes 36 Active members newly elected this year and 7 Candidate members elected since the 2023 Annual Meeting.

The NESS continues its support of the Annual Research Presentation Day in the spring, where residents from all the teaching programs in New England present their work.

This year’s Annual Meeting of the Society is as follows:

105th Annual Meeting, September 20-22, 2024
The Hotel Champlain, Burlington, VT

And next year’s Annual Meeting of the Society will be:

105th Annual Meeting, September 19-21, 2025
Holiday Inn By the Bay, Portland, Maine

The Executive Committee is most grateful to Dr. Rocco Orlando, III, for his enthusiastic leadership as President this past year, and looks forward to working with his successor, Dr. Kari Rosenkranz.

Respectfully submitted,

Jacqueline J. Wu, MD