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Modification of the classical UW solution can provide additional protection from ischemic injury in the small intestines
*Sami S Judeeba, *Armando Salim‎ Munoz Abraham, *Abedalrazaq AlKukhun, *Tariq Alfadda, *Manuel Rodriguez-Davalos, *John P Geibel
Yale University, New Haven, CT

Objectives: To use a new organ preservation technique that lead to improved organ transplantation outcomes. We targeted the ischemia reperfusion injury on the intestine by modification of University of Wisconsin (UW) solution to manipulate the sodium-calcium exchanger and calcium sensing receptor.
Design/Interventions: Male rats were dissected according to approved protocols of Yale University. We used five intestinal segments that measured 10 centimeters from the same animal. The following protocol was used: 1. Time zero intestines fixed directly. 2. Control intestines preserved with cold/static UW. 3. First experimental intestines was perfused continuously using a peristaltic pump at rate of 0.12 ml/min. This intestine was perfused on the blood side with UW. It was perfused on the luminal side with UW as well. The luminal UW had 50 µM of FITC-Inulin. 4. Second experimental intestines were perfused as above except that we used UW solution in the lumen treated with 100µM R-568. 5. In this series intestines were also perfused as above except that the UW solution without calcium on both sides.
We used the Chiu/Park scale for histological grading and Fluorescein IsoThioCyanate-Inulin (FITC-Inulin) to assess the degree of ischemia.
Results: The intestines was perfused with UW solution without calcium had a better resistant to ischemia than either UW with calcium or UW with calcimimetic R-568.
Conclusion: Ranking the effect of the intestinal luminal and basolateral perfusates, we demonstrated that bilateral perfusion with UW solution without calcium was > than either UW with calcium or UW with calcimimetic R-568. The result of these studies suggest that UW solution should be devoid of calcium to give the maximal protection from ischemic injury.

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